The three essential elements to increase learner engagement

learner engagement

As you can imagine, low learner engagement is a major problem in the learning and development industry and encouraging it can seem difficult. Yet training is the key to acquiring essential skills and knowledge to thrive as an organization. With this in mind, for training to be optimal, it must offer quality content and be communicated effectively, while offering an easy and intuitive user experience. Let’s look at these three elements in more detail.

1. User experience

Beyond the training program offered, you must think about setting up a space that not only promotes learning, but also the training experience. One does not go without the other. This is why flexibility and autonomy are important elements to promote with your learners.

Currently, the greatest challenge in creating training programs is to generate a high and sustained rate of engagement. This very present issue stems in particular from the fact that the needs are no longer the same and that individuals are looking for flexibility in terms of the place, time and duration of their online learning. For this reason, it is important to take these variables into consideration, since they are decisive in achieving a better rate of engagement on the part of your learners. One of the best ways to do this is to provide your users with training so that they can create their own learning cycles themselves, according to their availability. You can, for example, recommend the creation of several short training capsules,

Cross-platform learning

With the rise in popularity of remote work, making your training available on different electronic devices is essential. Empower your learners to experience the training anywhere, anytime, and from a variety of devices!

Setup option

Simple, sophisticated and recognizable! Optimizing your platform is the key to getting a high engagement rate from your learners. Intuitively, users should be able to navigate on their own, without needing assistance to do soTo help you achieve better results, you can use a learning management system (LMS) likeTutorial. The latter offers you a digital workspace that integrates quizzes, personalized progress monitoring, educational text or multimedia content, and more. In short, a platform like Tuto allows you to fully manage the learning process and the educational path that you offer. Another simple and effective way to make the user experience more pleasant is to use a learning management system tailored to the image of the organization. This gives users the impression that the platform is familiar to them and reduces the stress that can be associated with learning a new system.

loading time

The learner should be able to navigate seamlessly through your virtual training program. It may sound trite, but loading speed greatly influences the quality of the learning experience. For example, a loading limit equivalent to 0.1 seconds gives the impression of immediacy. This loading speed is essential to promote the commitment of your Internet users throughout their learning process.

Sensory experience

The success of a virtual training experience does not only depend on intuitive ergonomics and ease of use, it also depends on the ability to arouse interest and seduce the user through an eye-catching and sensory experience. unprecedented. It promotes not only the retention of information, but also the engagement of your learners. For example, in the context of a virtual training experience, sight is naturally one of the most stimulated senses. Therefore, graphic elements such as colors, shapes and visuals must be designed in such a way as to create a captivating and pleasant learning universe.

2. The art of communicating well

In addition, any form of communication must be planned in order to facilitate the transmission of information and to make the learning experience more pleasant. Don’t forget to encourage your learners, because this simple action can support the efforts made throughout the academic journey of your learners and promote higher engagement. Let’s look at these elements in more detail.

What should you plan ahead?

First, as a learning leader, it’s important to get buy-in from your company’s leaders and key stakeholders, as they have the power to influence the people who take your training. This buy-in is essential to the success of the apprenticeship program and its level of commitment. Then, to optimize communication and achieve a higher rate of learner engagement, it is essential that your training program is based on planned planning in advance. So, once your actors have been identified, your team must now meet daily in order to plan, adjust and follow up on strategies, objectives and content of all the courses organized, training reports, and more. Again.

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